Ricardo portrait

Hello, I'm Atharv. I'm a Full Stack Engineer with 1.5 years of experience. I enjoy building sites & apps. My focus is TypeScript based stack.

About me

I am a passionate Full Stack Engineer with , strong interest for building software that makes positive impact. I have working with startups as intern and contractor in past and I love to work in Startup environment. . My favorite part of programming is the problem-solving aspect. I love the feeling of finally figuring out a solution to a problem. My core stack is TypeScript, React, NextJS, NodeJS and MySQL. I am also worked with Python and Go. I am always looking to learn new technologies. I am currently looking for a full-time position as a Full Stack Engineer.

When I'm not coding, I explore domains like international relations, poetry I also enjoy learning new things. I am currently learning and building projects with ML and AI.

My projects


I started frontendworld as a side project with my 2 friends and now it is a live platform. I built this with state of the art UI with other features like payment gateway and authentication ,etc. Zustand used for state handling.

  • TypeScript
  • Prisma
  • Next.js
  • MySQL
  • Tailwind
  • NodeJS

It is a webRTC app for multiple users created in Nodejs, TalkStream have all the features of functional video streaming app like screen sharing, screen recording, chat, etc.

  • Nodejs
  • webRTC
  • JavaScript
Sorting Visualizer

In this project we can visualize sorting algorithms like Merge sort, Bubble sort, Quick sort, Shell Sort, Heap sort, etc. This project also shows time requirements and the way of sorting of respective algorithm using graphical visualization.

  • React
  • JavaScript
  • Redux

Nexus- A Social media app

It is a social media app where we can create account, post a media, comment and secured with JWT authentication

  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Nodejs
  • MUI
  • Redux
  • MongoDB

My skills

My experience

Contact me

Please contact me directly at apdk.2017@gmail.com or through this form.